INTRODUCTION - Precishop.ae is the ultimate online e-commerce platform for all your industrial needs, offering the solution for every high precision industrial product you need. From simple tools to complex machinery solutions, we offer comprehensive support for your success. Precishop.ae was founded in 2022 with a vision to eliminate the challenges associated with sourcing complex machinery products, accessories and tools for companies that meet high precision standards.
Our Commitment - Our commitment to customer satisfaction remains unwavering. We achieve this by digitizing our catalog, ensuring complete transparency and providing online access to information. This reduces the time spent searching for products and results in a noticeable reduction in supply/demand time for our customers. Based in Germany, Switzerland and UAE, we work closely with our partners to ensure fast turnaround, effectively minimize delays and maximize the efficiency of your procurement process.
Our Advantage - As part of the VSB Group, we have an advantage that allows us to offer a consistent, quality-focused approach to every requirement, no matter how small or large. We are well equipped to provide fast and reliable solutions to all manufacturing needs. Precishop.ae has extensive expertise in the manufacturing field and is well positioned to offer our customers exactly the products and solutions they need to achieve their goals. We pride ourselves on being an integral part of our customers' growth journey. We are steadfast in our mission to meet their evolving needs and ensure constant support every step of the way.
Lokaler Lagerbestand auf Abruf
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Kreditkarte: Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, American Express, Barzahlung oder Scheck bei Lieferung, Gegen Rechnung.
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